Interview with MomoKumo Posted on May 26, 2019 by post View this post on Instagram Hey my sweet peaches! I just want to let you all know that I had an interview with the @burgundyzine on my Kawaii lifestyle. I talk a lot about mental health, hoe this community has helped me in many ways, the pro’s and con’s to the community, my inspirations and who I look up to. Which by now I think everyone knows that it is @pixieelocks ?? and lots more! We actually recorded the interview as well. Hopefully this will be another video that I can put up on YouTube..once I start the channel in sometime in June. My mental health has just been poor lately so I’m sorry for not the best content. And not really checking my DM’s also please leave a comment below on what videos you would like to see! I’d love to hear all your opinions! #cherrycheezy #cherrypop #creepycakez #pixielocks #confetticlub #confetticlubmember #kawaii #kawaii? #kawaii #aleximals #kawaiimakeup #kawaiioftheday #kawaiibunny #cutekawaii #kawaiifashion #harajukustyle #harajukufashion #rilakkuma #korilakkuma #kittencandyshop #plushiesofinstagram #plushies #cosplaygirl #nerdygirl #lolitawig #wig #pastellifestyle #blogger #influencer #penpal #otaku A post shared by — ???? ? (@_momokumo_) on May 25, 2019 at 4:53pm PDT Head on over to The Burgundy Zine for a special interview with MomoKumo about kawaii culture Continue reading “Interview with MomoKumo” →